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Actor being filmed in a New Hampshire based professional video production studio with a crowd watching and standing behind the camera.

G River Open House Takes Attendees Backstage

Granite River Studios recently hosted a successful event with a packed house in Derry, New Hampshire. We saw video robots, massive digital walls, podcast spaces, and more.

“It was a successful evening showcasing G River’s capabilities and how our clients can benefit from having access to the largest video production space in New England. It was great to demonstrate what is available to clients, from producing social content to product shots to live-streaming events. —Kent Rich, Granite River Studios President

XR Stage Video Wall

In the largest film studio and recording space in New Hampshire, a live demonstration of the 80-foot, 185-degree wall showed off G River’s ability to shoot a product or person in various scenes, weather conditions, or parts of the country. Guests began to see the possibilities. The studio allows you to simulate any conditions, saving time on a project and providing exactly what the video requires. No more worrying about New England weather or natural lighting changing throughout the day on a shoot. Need to reshoot something? Replicating the exact same environment is no problem.

The team also demonstrated the capability of the video robot, showing off how it captures fast motion and uses unique angles to show off products and services. The robot can be programmed to create smooth transitions and dramatic commercial effects such as zooms, rotations, and 360 degree effects.


Outside of the visual studios, the G River team showcased the space’s high-end audio capabilities, including a recording studio, control room, two voiceover booths, and an interactive podcast studio.

“The amount of time consumers spend watching videos has surpassed the amount of time spent on websites in recent years. Video is the marketer’s must. Tonight was an opportunity to showcase video technology, what’s possible, and what works.” —Sean Owen, Granite River Studios CEO

Granite River Studios has the capability to do just that—tell your story. These capabilities were on display at the open house. A demonstration of the XR stage—utilizing the same technology used to film The Mandalorian on Disney+ and the popular series Rings and Realms—showcased a complete virtual production from start to finish. And, all the other technologies such as the video robot systems, podcast rooms, etc…. are all, well, really cool.

The attendees were marketing professionals from a range of industries—from consumer products to professional services to construction/engineering firms to non-profits—who see video as the must-do for every marketer. Storytelling is critical, and new technology gives even more ways to tell stories.

While soaking up all of this knowledge, guests engaged with a variety of experts from GRS, enjoyed food and drink, and were treated to a performance by bassist and YouTube sensation Charles Berthoud.

Thank you to all our attendees and staff for an amazing night behind the scenes of video robots and production! Couldn’t make it to our open house? Check out what you missed. And, be sure to reach out to our TEAM.

Contact Granite River Studios for your next project today.

Finding your Target Audience

In previous posts, we’ve highlighted the immense benefits of video marketing for improving ROI and boosting audience engagement. However, one crucial aspect we’ve yet to